Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Mother's Courage - Turning Grief into Hope


I want to tell you about a young female Marine I work with.  She embodies the meaning of Marine, I mean come on, she has a sign up at her desk, "When I was little, other girls wanted to grow up to be Princesses, I wanted to be a Marine."  I don't doubt it either.

We call her "TJ", Michelle Salazar is her name.  When I first met TJ, she came into BaseTel, and you noticed this belly, a quick fantastic smile, and eyes that expressed what she is thinking, and trust me this girl will tell you exactly what she is thinking.  She was all belly, and  yes, she radiated that natural beauty a pregnant woman seems to have.  

She was so excited about her baby.  Due in November, she and her husband went back and forth about names.  I loved hearing her talk about the names and how she and her husband went back and forth about names if it were a boy or a girl.

Her daughter, Elysia, I think she was 3 at the time, was always willing to talk about the baby brother or sister that she will have.  You know in that cute little kid voice, with some mispronounced words.

The big day finally came, and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  Alexa.  She was so excited, and full of love for both of her daughters.  I am not sure who was happier, TJ, her husband or Elysia.  Life couldn't have been better or happier for TJ and her family; at least until a terrible day in January.

TJ came back to work, and like a true Marine, took the work in stride, dealt with the responsibilities not only of the responsibility from BaseTel, but also the responsibilities of a Marine.

One of the responsibilities is Duty.  A twenty-four hour day, a twenty-hour watch.  In the wee hours of the morning, the MPs come to TJs duty station.  They told her that her  husband and baby were on their way to the hospital.

Alexa the Angel
I think it was around 2 AM, Alex, went to check on Alexa and found her not breathing. He did CPR and called the Paramedics.  They told him to have her on the floor when they got there.  Somehow they broke little Alexa's foot.  She was unresponsive.

The MPs came to TJ's duty station and informed her that her husband and child were on their way to the hospital, the thoughts that must have gone through her hear, I can't even imagine.

Wasting no time getting to the hospital, TJ was given the new no parent wants to hear.  Her little tiny girl, her little angel who had barely been on this earth two months was gone.  Dead, stolen away from them for no reason anyone could think of.

Faced with the loss of their daughter, planning a funeral for their daughter.  Seeing the expense and pain, TJ knew in her heart that she wanted to do something to help others in the same situation, and help those who have newborns, and those who have little for their new baby.

Doing her research, she found Newborns in Need, they help those who have lost their baby, providing a burial gown, memory box, or flowers, what they can to help the parents deal with their loss.  They also help people who have newborns, blankets, diapers, formula, wipes, onesies, whatever they can.

So she took her grief at loosing  her baby and turned it into excitement.  Excitement and inspiration.  She could make a difference for others, and she could inspire others to help.  She would make a difference, even it is a small one in the lives of these families. 

Becoming so excited it was palatable, she did her research and did something.  She established the Woodbridge/Prince William County Chapter of Newborns in Need; Alexa's Wings.

All of the items that are given are donated either the item itself or funds to purchase.  You can help by donating.  Can you crochet or knit?  How about making a crib blanket, booties, caps, anything a baby can use.

Do you sew?  How about sewing up a bunting or two, or a burial gown or two?  (You can use old Wedding Dresses to make them).  Or you can donate fabric to make the items, fleece, flannel, anything that can make bibs, burp clothes, anything that can be sewn for a baby.

Do you craft?  How about making a Mother and Child bracelet?  One for the Mother, one for the baby to be buried.  How about making a Memory Box?  A box to keep whatever keepsakes they have of the baby.

Are you good with brochure design?  Have time to sit at a booth for an event?  Good at fund raising ideas?  Volunteers make the difference in the success or failure of a non-profit.

Just want to make a small donation?  That works too.   Everything is tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt for it.

Hopefully, we can keep this blog going and update it with   needs, goals, meetings, and keeping you all up to date on the progress the group is making.

Here is the link for the Woodbridge Chapter:

You can send any donations to TJ at:

Director Michelle A. Trujillo
13319 Garcia st Quantico Va 22134
There is a meeting on Saturday, I'll get the information and post it up tomorrow, I left it at work.  Please help if you can.

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